Season’s greetings, dear listeners! The stockings are hung by the chimney with care and the eggnog is flowing here at the BBASHQ, because it’s time for our highly-anticipated annual holiday episode! And really, what better way to ring in the yuletide cheer then by digging into the 1986 Unreel video; Holiday Havoc? Yes, this one might be a bit of a departure from our usual stringent subject matter, but fret not, for the ‘Brigade is well represented at this legendary NSA contest- featuring not just incredible vert runs by Mike McGill, Tony Hawk, Lance Mountain and Steve Caballero, but a flat bottom freestyle demo by Rodney Mullen and a guest host spot by Stacy Peralta himself. Joining us for this urethane journey is none other than Don Hoffman, heir to the fabled Upland Pipeline legacy and the head producer at Unreel Productions- the video arm of the Vision empire- back in their 1980’s heyday. This contest was his brainchild, so naturally we picked that brain clean to get you all the deepest details on the ins and outs of this towering achievement in the annals of skate contest history. Wait- did you hear sleigh bells just now? Was that the click-clack of Mini Rats on the rooftop? As always, there’s only one way to find out- so join us, shall you?
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