Welcome back to the show! Bear with us, friends, because it’s an oddball episode this week as Larry and Matt are joined once again by pro skateboarder and all-around nice guy Mike Santarossa to fast-forward to the 9:30 mark and discuss his timeless and hilarious shared part with Mike Vallely in the 1995 Standard Truck Co. “Intermezzo” video! It’s all the insider info you could ever possibly want or need on how this strange, goofy and fun six-minute skate section filmed in one day around a decommissioned portion of the Powell facility came to pass. If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favor and do so immediately. In addition, SkaterCon founder and head honcho Adam Richards stopped by the BBAS studio for an in-depth dropping of knowledge on all things SkaterCon 2023, which is coming up on September 30th- and is an event The Bones Brigade Audio Show will be attending! All this and more, just a click away. Break out your downhill gloves and join us, shall you?
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