For this seventh entry into our Intelligence Report interview series, we are welcoming to The Bones Brigade Audio Show none other than the infamous Robert Kittila! If you’re a Brigadeer from way-back-when, or listen to this show with any regularity, this name will surely be familiar to you. Now a two-time Emmy winning cinematographer and photographer, Robert cut his teeth in the industry working alongside Stacy Peralta, Craig Stecyk and Jim Fitzpatrick in Stacy’s famed Silverlake office. In addition to shooting and editing for Powell classics such as Public Domain, Ban This, Propaganda and more, Robert was a true innovator; designing and fabricating a number of unique filming devices that would take the art of skateboard filmmaking to new and previously-unseen levels. This episode is packed to the brim with incredible stories, from Lance Mountain’s bulldog attack to Frankie Hill’s massive gap ollie and everything in between. This is definitely one you will not want to miss, so get to the nearest high-ollie zone and join us, shall you?
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