Here’s one we certainly had not anticipated! For this special episode of The Bones Brigade Audio Show, we will be checking out material from the recently unearthed “rough cut” of Powell Peralta’s “8”- a video we reviewed just a few episodes ago. What is this rough cut, you ask? A listener reached out to let us know that he was in possession of what appeared to be a very rare version of 8 that was significantly different from the official release of the video as the world at large knows it, containing a multitude of parts that never made the final cut! Joining Matt and Larry in the studio is that very listener- friend of the show, Brian Farrell- to give us some backstory, and help us get into the weeds on several unknown clips from Sean Mortimer, Ray Barbee, Jeff Toland, Mike Daher, and more, along with some forgotten skits, fake commercials and other oddities! Don’t worry, though- for you too will be able to take it all in, as the Bones Brigade Audio Show YouTube channel is now live, and in addition to previous episodes of the show that we will be adding soon, this video is now uploaded for you to check out, with more exclusive content coming soon. Like, subscribe, and join us, shall you?
Watch the Eight rough cut HERE.
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